Veterinary Assistance Program

Large animal veterinary practices have been established in areas of the province where livestock owners are dispersed across a large geographic area. The region’s 3,600 farms represent 5% of the farms in Ontario.

The North’s beef industry is larger than that of any Atlantic Province, and the North’s dairy industry is comparable in size to New Brunswick’s. The North’s dairy and beef industries account for more than 80% of agricultural activity in the North. (VAP)

The VAP (Veterinary Assistance Program) helps promote the viability of the livestock industry by ensuring access to large animal veterinary services by providing conditional grants to participating Veterinarians.

Eligible livestock are: horses, cattle sheep, goats, swine, rabbits, poultry, bison, deer, or animals maintained in captivity for producing fur, velvet or meat.

The VAP is delivered in collaboration with participating producers and veterinary representatives. These stakeholder organizations include: The Northern Producer Animal Health Network (NPAHN) and the Designated Area Veterinarians Association (DAVA).

Let's Get In Touch!

To get in touch or receive information on the activities of either NPAHN or your local VSC, please contact the Secretary/Treasurer of NPAHN. Mr. Mitchell will be happy to find the right person(s) to assist you.